
Upcoming Events: Waskesiu Lake

Parks Canada Warden Recruitment Graduation Ceremony May 10th.

Nature Centre Opening \"Spring Fever\" May 17th.
Summer interpretive progam begins

Lobstick AGM May 18th.
Lobstick Golf Club annual general meeting held at the Community Hall.

Victoria Day May 19th.

Senior Mens Lobstick May 26th. to May 30th.
Annual Senior Men\'s Golf Tournament held at the Waskesiu Golf Course and banquet held at the Assembly Hall.

Mens Lobstick June 8th. to 14th.
Annual Men\'s Golf Tournament held at the Waskesiu Golf Course.

National Aboriginal Day June 20th.
Events celebrating the National Aboriginal Day sponsored by Parks Canada Agency (Aboriginal Liasison) Contact 663-4522.

Waskesiu Lake Open Tennis Tournament June 20, 21 & 22nd.
Annual Sask. Tennis Association open tennis tournament. Open to all levels. Co-sponsored by the Waskesiu Chamber of Commerce. 663-5410

Waskesiu Artisan's Show & Sale June 28th. & 29th.
Up to 50 various crafts on display for the public at the Community Hall and grounds. For more information contact Gail Carlson at 763-3638

Canada Day Festivities July 1st.
Pancake Breakfast at the Community Hall starting 8:00AM.Parade at Noon.Cake Cutting Ceremony, Singing of O\'Canada & Flag Raising & speeches held after parade at approx. 1:00PM at the Adm. Office building.Sandcastle Sculpturing Contest at the beach from 2:30 to 4:00PM.

Friends of the Park July 1st.
Grey Owl Gallery opening at Friends of the Park.

Waskesiu Cabin Owners Association AGM June 29th.
Annual general meeting for the Waskesiu Cabin Owners Assoc. held at the Assembly Hall at 10:00AM.

Waskesiu Chamber of Commerce Tennis Lessons June 30th. to Aug. 15th.
Tennis lessons offered to children throughout the summer at the tennis courts. To book, phone the chamber office.

Waskesiu Heritage Museum Bingos July 2nd. to Aug. 20th.
Wednesday nights - Bingo At The Beach held at the Assembly Hall 7:30 to 10:30PM.

Waskesiu Festival July 11th.
Friday night - Fish Fry sponsored by the Waskesiu Community Council

Waskesiu Foundation Annual Dinner July 12th.
WFI annual donor recognition & fund raising dinner.

Waskesiu Children's Festival July 19th.
Annual Children\'s Festival activities. Events include pancake breakfast, shows, entertainment, games, barbeque, refreshments; all at the Community Hall and Big Tent on the grounds. Sponsored by the Waskesiu Chamber of Commerce and Parks Canada.

The 6th Annual Waskesiu Marina Adventure Center Narrows Challenge July 26th.
This is a non-competitive 17km canoe and kayak race held at the Narrows Marina site PANP. Full day activities including breakfast, a barbeque, Parks Canada Interpretive demonstrators, watercraft product demonstrations and entertainment. Sponsored by the Waskesiu Marina Adventure Centrew.

PANP AGM July 26th.
Prince Albert National Park Annual General Meeting & Information Forum held at the Assembly Hall.10:00AM to 2:00PM Contact 663-4522.

Waskesiu Community Council AGM July 27th.
Waskesiu Community Council Annual General Meeting held at 10:00AM at the Community Hall.

Grey Owl Howl August 3rd.
Waskesiu Cabin Owners Association 23rd annual family dance, Community Hall. Everyone welcome, games,foiod,beverages,dancing,prizes, fun!

Saskatchewan Provincial Holiday August 4th.

Waskesiu Heritage Museum - Heritage Day August 9th.
Old fashioned picnic, games,antique car rally. Contact Ione Langlois 242-0883 or 663-5759

Frank Dunn Triathlon August 10th.
Annual Frank Dunn Triathlon held at the Community Hall. Contact Mark Nagy 960-1580

Juniors Lobstick August 11th. to 15th.
Annual Juniors Golf Tournament held at the Waskesiu Golf Course.

WADRA AGM August 13th.
Waskesiu and District Recreation Association Annual General Meeting held at the Recreation Hall/ Library.

Senior Ladies and Ladies Lobstick August 18th. to 22nd.
Annual Ladies and Senior Ladies Golf Tournament held at the Waskesiu Golf Course and banquet held at the Community Hall.

Waskesiu ProAm Golf Tournament August 25th. to 27th.
ProAm Golf Tournament sponsored by the Waskesiu Golf Club, held at the Waskesiu Golf Course and banquest held at the Community Hall.

Arbor Day Aug. 31st.
Arbor Day and Volunteer Appreciation BBQ sponsored by the Waskesiu Community Council and Parks Canada Agency. Contact 663-4522.

Labour Day September 1st.

Media/Sponsor Golf Tournament September 10th.
Media/Sponsors Golf Tournament sponsored and held by the Waskesiu Golf Course.

RONA MS Bike Tour September 12 & 13th.
Annual MS Society fund raising bike tour held at the Community Hall. Contact - Tess Hodgins 244-2114

Thanksgiving Day October 13th.

Waskesiu Cottage Owners Assocation AGM July 12th.
2:00PM at the Recreation Hall

Official Opening of PCHS & Two Day Traditional Pow Wow July 15th. & 16th.
Paspiwin Cultural Heritage Site Two Day Traditional Pow wow and Art,Craft,Food Sale. Located at the cultural site Highway 263 south entrance to PANP. For more retails, contact Henry Fremont 663-4508

CPS Summer Dance Aug. 2nd.
Coalition of Park Supports sponsored dance held at the Assembly Hall- Contact Barry Chapman

Northern Lights Bluegrass andOld Tyme Music Workshops Aug. 11th. to 14th.
Acoustic instrument workshops taught by leading professionals from across Canada. Include guitar,banjo, mandolin, fiddle, bass and vocals.Located at Ness Creek Festival Site west of PANPContact Cathy Sproule - 652-0897

3rd. Annual Northern Lights Bluegrass and Old Tyme Music Festival Aug. 15th. to 17th.
3 day Bluegrass and Old Time Music Festival. 2008 lineup includes Jerusalem Ridge, Barley Wik and Knee Deep. Located at Ness Creek Festival Site west of PANP. Contact is Gord Vaadeland at 469-2356 or Cathy Sproule at 652-0897

Sturgeon River Ranch/Ness Core Cowboy Ceilidh Sept. 13th. & 14th.
Ride one of our horses from Sturgeon River Ranch, through "Bison Conutry" along the PANP West Side Trail to the "Studio" at Ness Creek for a Cowboy Kelidh featuring great food and great music. Reservations required. Contact Gord Vaadeland 469-2356